Thoughts on ~drofmij
I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do with this thing. I saw Paul Ford talking about this on twitter and asked for an account. I was thinking "Old School unix thingy? I'm there!" Now I'm pondering what exactly I'm going to do with this space.
OK so goals and whatnot:
- HTML5 - learn it by doing it
- VIM - rock this whole thing in vim for design and editing, hone my shell skills
- BLOG / WRITING - I have been trying to get started writing and blogging about stuff but keep putting it off. "Oh I'll start writing once I design a blog site with complete CSS and CMS from scratch." This hasn't happened yet, but on the polished design look is not as necessary. I am planning to write something every workday Monday to Friday.
- EXPERIMENTS - check out the pig latin translator below. This tilde page is a spot to share my just-for-fun projects and code snippet things.